Open Surgical Video
Open surgical procedures always require higher output lighting.
Plexus uses sun-gun HMI lights mounted on top of each video camera to accomplish this. HMI lights are exceptionally bright but the temperature is cool, and surgeons are often happy to work without their OR lights when HMIs are used. Also, when OR lights are used at the same time, they are mostly a color temperature match.
At times when a small, deep wound must be visualized, using a laparoscope along with an open camera configuration provides the deep-wound view that is desired. Headcams are generally not the best video tools, because all headcams use wide-angle lenses, and the picture is always small and far away. The reason headcams use wide-angle lenses is to stabilize the shot. As soon as a telephoto lens is used on a headcam, even the subtlest movements of the surgeon’s head or simple breathing, make the shots jiggle.
Endoscopic Procedures The Right Video Gear for Surgery